I’ve been trying to figure this out for a couple days now, and could use some help. I’m trying to build an 8x8 grid of identical movieclips, in a multidimensional array, that I can then access by row, and play each in order. So far, I can get them into the array, but I’m having trouble playing each item in a row. Basically, I have 8 more selector buttons in another array, and I added an event handler to each of those, and I want to use the index position of each selector button to play the corresponding row in the first array. Any tips? I’d really appreciate some help with my first Actionscript project. Thanks!
//The first Array
for ( i = 0; i< 8 ; i++)
{//create a row
beatsArray* = new Array();
for (var j:Number = 0; j<8; j++)
{//add 8 instances to the row
beats = new Beats;
beats.name = "beats"+j;
//set x and y of instances
beats.x = beatsX;
beats.y = beatsY;
beatsX += 75;
if (beatsX >790)
beatsX = 220;
beatsY +=50;
}//end array
//the event handler I'm tryin to use. Obviously this doesn't work right now
function playRelated(event:MouseEvent):void
var selectorArrayPos:Number = selectArray.indexOf(event.target.name);
var timerVar:Timer = new Timer(500,8);
timerVar.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, playInOrder);
i = 0;
function playInOrder(event:TimerEvent)
beatsArray["row"+selectorArrayPos]*.play();//play each clip in a row