Trouble Instatiating Multidimensional Array Of Movie Clips From Inside Of A Class

I am trying to set up a script that will generate a matrix repeating the same symbol X by Y times. For example, b(3,2); should generate…


…and after many days of being tested by this problem I have narrowed the location of my problem down to what can be seen up in the following.

for (a=0; a<4; a++){
    for (b=0; b<4; b++){
        var z:Number = ((a*4)+b);
        _root.attachMovie("Light", ("L" + z), _root.getNextHightestDepth(), {_x:(a*45), _y:(b*45)});

For some reason, that loop will only attach one copy of my “Light” movie. I cannot seem to figure out why more are not added. I am putting that code on the first frame of my movie. There is nothing else in my project yet.

I have compared my array to but I am still unable to find the problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.