I had no idea where to post this.
I am now running Apache server 2.x and Im happy to say it is working just fine.
I have a directory on my desktop, let’s call it, mydir… so…
c:\documents and settings\montoya\mydir
Here’s my question…
I want to be able to say… http:\localhost
and have it point to c:\documents and settings\montoya\mydir
thefore pulling files from that directory.
I thought it was an alias thing…
your help is greatly appreciated.
it might be easier to make the folder on your destop a shortcut to http:\localhost
Um… I may have misrepresnted my problem.
I want to webenable a folder outside of the htdocs in Apache.
For example, if I have a folder c:\myfolder,
I want to web-enable it in Apache.
Thank you.
i understood your problem. but same result && easier to do = a good thing
in linux, there’s a DocumentRoot directive in httpd.conf which defines which directory is your live one. i’d assume that there’s a similiar file for windows.
if you change it, your htdocs directory will no longer be the DocumentRoot, and it won’t be live anymore.
there may be a way to make more than one root live. maybe ask on an apache forum. ; )
i came across this link:
it suggests changing your DocumentRoot to C:/ and then setting security settings.
this means you are serving your whole C drive! be afraid … be very afraid…
in the example they restrict access to, the local adaptor. pretty good idea. ; )
thanks. I know there is a way to do it. I know it is a virtual directory thing, but… I have no idea how to do it.