Help with ASP

I am create a phone book in Flash 8.
I want to send a data from Flash to PHP and PHP create txt file in data folder.
I am create a PHP.
Code like below:


**It work correctly on another server.

My server does not support PHP.
So,I want to send a data from Flash to ASP and ASP create txt file in data folder.
I am create a ASP.
Code like below:**

	\'Dim variables
	Dim objFSO
	Dim objTextStream
	Dim PathFile
	\'Look for the path to current directory, change to match your directory based on root
	PathFile = Server.MapPath("/data/"&Request("sas_fn")&".sas")
	\'Create the filesystem Object
	set objFSO = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	\'Open the file: if doesn\'t exists, create it
	  Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(PathFile, 2, True)
	\'Write to the data file
		  objTextStream.Write "name=" & Request("sas_name") & "&contact=" & Request("sas_number") & "&group=" & Request("sas_group")
	\'Clean objects
	  Set objTextStream = Nothing
	  Set objFSO = Nothing

It is not work.