Had been working around with a combobox for setting the delaytime of my image slideshow .
I had been trying this code :
my_cb.addItem({data:2, label:"Delay"});
my_cb.addItem({data:4, label:"4 Seconds"});
my_cb.addItem({data:6, label:"6 Seconds"});
my_cb.addItem({data:8, label:"8 Seconds"});
my_cb.addItem({data:10, label:"10 Seconds"});
var delayseconds;
my_cb.selectedIndex = my_cb.selectedItem;
var cbListener:Object = new Object();
cbListener.change = function(evt_obj:Object):Void{
var currentlySelected:Object =;
delayseconds =;
my_cb.addEventListener("change", cbListener);
The combobox gets built up and outputs the delaytime values as desired ( have set it to _global)
Now I want that the value of _global.delaytime variable to be set to a default value unless the combobox is used which changes it to a new _global.delaytimg value …So that the slideshow delaytime values can be changed by viewer .
I have tried setting the value before the " function(evt_obj:Object):Void{ " …but the new value doesnt replace the old one .
Any helps will be highly appreciated .
Thanks for ur time to read the post …Replies awaited
Dr.Jatin Talwar