Is combobox the hell it seems?

It must be…

I’m trying to use a variable and make it assume a diferent value acording to the option selected on the combobox and it’s been hell for me.

Supose I have a variable named “favouritesport”…
I would like to have a combobox with 3 items (baseball, football, basketball).
As you choose one of the sports the variable should change.

Ex. If someone chose baseball than it woul make favouritesport=baseball

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance…

have you tried setting a change handler (see the properties dialog box) to a function (eg. Fset) and in that function setting your var to the combobox’s value?:

function Fset(){
    myVar= myCombobox.getSelectedValue()

changing myVar and myCombobox to the appropriate instance names…

note im not on a computer with flash so i cant check that but see the left hand pane of the actionscript dialog box under something like Flash UI>ComboBox>properties/methods
