Help with dynamic text fields

Hello guys!

First time here…

I have a little, big, problem. I have several dynamic text fields in my movie, but they dont show the contents on the first mouse pass…

Does anyone know how to preload, or regulate this with code?

I have some other questions, but I need someone who will give me a few moments on Yahoo or something…


What do you mean mouse pass?

Well, I want to show text in a dynamic text box when the user passes over the button…

At this point, it only shows on the second pass…help?

I really need help with this…

We need to see the code you are using to be able to troubleshoot it :wink: But i’m thinking something like this should suffice

    textFieldInstanceName.text = "what you want";

Yeah, the reality that I was trying to make things tooooo complicated has just slapped me in the face…


Could you have a look at this thread…please!