Help With Exploding Graphic!

Hey Everyone,

Here’s another problem I am having. Anyway, what I am trying to do is to take this graphic I have created and have a fist come from behind and punch through and shatter the graphic like glass.

What do I have to do in order to get the graphic to break apart - do I have to cut it apart in Fireworks and then import every piece???

I’m not sure, but if there’s anyone out there who would be willing to lend a helping hand I would appreciate it. The graphic is attached for your review. Thanks.


The easiest way would be select the image, press CNTRL+B to break it apart and then just move the pieces as you want them. Create each sliver of glass as a MC and then tween. You could do it with AS but that would be pretty advanced script…

Hey Jubba,

Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate your help. Do you know the AS for creating such an effect? If so, would you be kind enough to share it??? Thanks again.

Kelly :trout:

Well, yeah, but it would take me a long time to come up with. I’m not that good with it. You would probably be better off with the MCs and Tweening. The AS would require dynamic masks and crazy functions and I’m not really in the right state of mind to be tackling such complicated things at the moment. I personally would do the Tweens because it would end up being quicker than making a script. :slight_smile:


thanks again. I will go that route then. WTH, I just tried to break the graphic up and it’s not doing anything - just shrouded in grey??? Hmmm, wonder what’s wrong? Oh well, I’ll try to figure it out. Thanks again…

Kelly :wink:

Scripting that would probably be way CPU Intensive as well. You are better off with tweens.

You might need to go to Modify/Trace Bitmap to break it apart into pieces.

Be careful with that though, if your settings are high you will have a crashing Flash.

Or create each section seperately and load them in.

i think the best way would be like this …

create a square of the graphic size
select bitmap fill in the color mixer panel and select your graphic
draw some lines over the square
convert each piece to movie clip and make the tweens

it won’t be cpu intensive and i think it’s easier …

hope it helps :slight_smile:

INteresting. Good Idea Kax.

thanks lost =)

i did that a while ago because a stupid traced bitmap was crashing my movie … :sleep: