Help with fill in blanks condition

Hi there… okay I just need help here with my fill in blank conditions.Currently I do get manage to solve the 2 of 3 conditions but the last conditions make me stuck already…so really need help here…maybe someone can give me some shed light how to overcome it… Ok here’s the scenario of the games : " the predetermine number is stored in array names ANS.The number will be a 4-digit number, like 1234.Only numbers 0 to 9 is permitted.The player will be prompted to guess the number in the correct sequence.Clues will be given to help the player make the next guess.The clues as follows * --> right number and right place + --> right number but wrong place & --> wrong number and wrong place desire result suppose to be like this :- eg: Say the right answer is 1245 user inputs: 1234 Output : &+ " and below are my attemption so far…which is get do manage 2 of 3 clues…so I really need help for rectifying the “right number and wrong conditions” clues…so really need help of it…any help are really appreciated…:slight_smile: [AS] stop(); var clue1:String = ""; var clue2:String = “+”; var clue3:String = “&”; submit_btn.onPress = checkInput; function checkInput(){ //trace(""); var field; var numOfAns = _correctansw.length; ///////////////////// var validated = true; var inputxt:Array = [“input0”, “input1”, “input2”,“input3”]; if (validated) { checkAnsw(); attempt++; / if(attempt==2){ trace(“yeeha”); btncheck.enabled =false; btncheck._alpha = 50; for (var i = 0; i < numOfAns; i++) { field = _root[“input” + i]; if (_correctansw != field.text) { field.html = true; field.type = “dynamic”; field.htmlText = "[COLOR=#FF0000]"+_correctansw*+"*[/COLOR]"; }//end if }//end for }//end if / }//end if } var _correctansw:Array = [1,2,3,4]; var attempt = 0; function checkAnsw():Void{ //trace(""); var field; //////// var resulttxt; //////// var numOfAns = _correctansw.length; var numOfCorrect = []; var correctAns = true; for (var i = 0; i < numOfAns; i++) { field = _root[“input” + i]; resulttxt = _root[“result”+i]; if (_correctansw == field.text){ numOfCorrect* = true; // trace(“yehaaa”); resulttxt.text = clue1; } else { numOfCorrect* = false; correctAns = false; resulttxt.text = clue3; //trace(“tooot”); } } } resetbtn.onPress = function(){ input0.text = input1.text = input2.text = input3.text = “”; result0.text = result1.text = result2.text = result3.text = “”; } [/AS] tq