I’m sure hoping that there is someone out there who can help get this flash form and php script to function right. I just can’t seem to get it to work no matter what I do. I have attached to the files here so you can take a look. Maybe there’s something I’m missing and one of you could point it out - please!
Thanks for the help, but I’m still a bit confused. Where do I list the variables within the script - before or after that first line? Please let me know.
Uhhhhh, I have no idea what your referring to? However, I have tested this **** thing and it still doesn’t work. I am not receiving anything in my e-mail, no test e-mails, not errors messages, no nothing. Riiiiiiiiiip, there goes a clump of hair!!!
I think I know what variable you’re talking about now, but I am not sure why it’s there or what it’s for. In the script that you posted it’s in there too. Should I remove that variable from the script since it seems to have no meaning or use? Please advise before I jump out my window…