Need Help - PHP in Flash

Hey guys! Been stuck for weeks on making this PHP FLASH MAIL FORM and it’s driving me insane! I’m relatively new to this kind of stuff so bare with me. :blush:

First off, I’ve been mainly using this tutorial + resource to build a PHP Flash Form:

The Problem:
When the form is simplified to a mere: E-mail (From), Subject, Message… it works perfectly. But as soon as I add other variables (in to the PHP and Flash) such as… Full Name, Website, Contact Number… it doesn’t work! I’m stumped!

All I’m trying to create in this form is…
Full Name:
Your E-mail:
Your Website:
Contact Number:

PHP Codes:

mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $fullname, $yourwebsite, $contactnumber, "From: FrizzyCube_Booking
Reply-To: $from
X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

Actionscript on the first frame (This was revised in suggestion that the prior code was old):

stop ();
function lineAdapt()
message_send = message;
while (msg_count == msg_count + 1)
if ((substring(message_send, msg_count, 2)) == "\r")
message_send = (substring(message_send, 1, msg_count - 2)) + "
" + (substring(message_send, msg_count + 2, (length(message_send)) - msg_count + 2));
message = message_send;
delete msg_count;
delete message_send;

**Submit Button Actionscript **(This was revised in suggestion that the prior code was old):

on (release)
if ((from == "") || (subject == "") || (message == "") || (fullname == "") || (contactnumber == "") || (yourwebsite == ""))
loadVariablesNum("mailing.php3", 0, "POST");