i searched and thought i found what i was looking for but couldn’t get things to work so if someone could help with what i think is a simple problem for experienced scripters, i’d really appreciate it.
i have an html form that looks like this:
<FORM action="http://domain.com/article.asp?id=51&article=1" method=post>
<INPUT id=prod_type type=hidden value=View name=prod_type>
<INPUT id=prod_type type=hidden value=dispSub name=prod_type>
<INPUT id=ProdId type=hidden value=3 name=ProdId>
<INPUT type=submit value="Submit">
i need to duplicate this in my flash button. i tried these but neither of them works:
on (release) {
subscribe = new LoadVars();
subscribe.prod_type = "View";
subscribe.prod_type = "dispSub";
subscribe.ProdId = "3";
subscribe.send("http://domain.com/article.asp?id=51&article=1", "_blank", "POST");
on (release) {
var prod_type:String = "View";
var prod_type:String = "dispSub";
var ProdId:String = "3";
getURL("http://domain.com/article.asp?id=51&article=1", "_blank", "POST");