I have created a custom cursor but I cannot find the Flash generated HTML code to put on my website. Can someone please help me? Thank you.
What’s the relationship between the cursor and the html code?
Check your File/Publish settings to see if html is checked, if not it won’t be generated.
Save your fla in a new folder, publish, and the html should be right next to your swf.
I did exactly so. Check that in the publish settlings that I have checked the html and swf box and save the fla in a new folder whereby the html and swf appear and upload it to my website but the cursor does not appear on my site. I have repeated the steps over and over again but to no avail.
When I have uploaded it, it does not appear on my website but there is a page to view. the address is www.geocities.com/lucivillekennels/Movie10.html
Well, Lene, the thing is : your cursor will appear within the Flash movie, but not in your HTML page. You’d have to use javascript for that.
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Can you please tell me how to do that? I will appreciate it very much. thank you!
No idea whatsoever. But I just found that tutorial deep down on this site (Kirupa, you need to rearrange your tutorials a little bit better !!) www.kirupa.com/developer/…lflash.asp
It works with DHTML, I don’t even know what it is, but it seems that you could make this work, putting your Flash animation over the HTML.
Post if you have trouble with it.
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