Help with html tags in php

[FONT=Verdana]Basicaly i have 2 pages:
the first one add content into a db made with phpmyAdmin; the second one display that content from the data base.
In the first page i used htmlentities
like this:
$text = htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST[‘newTxt’**]));
mysql_query (…)
//update query

in the second one i used html_entity_decode
like this
*$ result = mysql_query (…)
//get content query
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
*echo html_entity_decode($row[‘texte’]);
** }

The problem that i’m having is whenever there are html tags they are not interpreted but display in the html form
EX:if the text is <b>some text</b>
the display page show <b>some text</b> not **some text
what do i have to change to get it work correctly ?