Html tags


I’ve made a Flash/php/mysql news system and i have a little problem. I “translate” my data from mysql into xml before using it in flash and no problem but i want to write news in html and when i send my values to my php file i have an error like this :

 I made some ajustments because I noticed that you couldn't use any HTML tags.
Erreur de syntaxe près de 't use any HTML tags.
But everything works great now, with ' à la ligne 1

the value i want to send is like this :

  <![CDATA[Well, everything works just fine.<BR>I made some ajustments because I noticed that you couldn't use any HTML tags.<BR>But everything works great now, with <B>HTML</B> tags and <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><U>everything</U></FONT>.<BR><BR>Click this link: <A href=""><FONT COLOR="#FF6600"><U>this is a link</U></FONT></A>]]>

Any ideas abot how i could do that ?