Help with image scroller!

Hello Everyone,

I am having a problem and I was wondering if anyone out there could help me out… If you go to my site,, and click on the team button you will see the problem I am having…

When you click on the team button the movie is supposed to load in the space within the main movie and initially it appears to work fine. However, once the pitcher leave the scene and the players profiles pop-up they pop up below the area they are supposed to. The profiles are supposed to scroll from left to right following the viewers mouse. If the viewer clicks on one of the profiles, a larger version pops up and then returns to the smaller image by clicking on it a second time… Problem is this - the smaller images are lower than they are supposed to be, when the viewer clicks on any of the images everything freezes and doesn’t work, and if you look closely the scrolling images extend outside of the main frame of the site on either the right or left of the screen.

I can’t seem to figure out what the problem is and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. The file is too large to upload here, but I can e-mail it to anyone who may have an answer or any suggestions. Please feel free to contact me here or write me at Please help!

