Help with Layers

Howdy all,

I am using Photoshop 7 (because I am too poor to keep upgrading, for now). I am trying to create an effect, but can’t figure out how to do it. I have used a tutorial I have to create a 3D shape and used lighting to create some shadowing. This layer is RED with the 3D shape being WHITE.
Now I have another layer, which is just 2D, with a shape cut in it. This layer is BLACK, and the shape is empty… so see through. I want to overlay this layer on top of the RED layer, so that the 3D shape is visible.
Here is where it gets tricky…
Parts of the 3D image will be obstructed by the BLACK layer. I would like the BLACK layer to act like it was spray painted over the RED layer… so the black which has the 3D WHITE underneath it also looks 3D, but only in the areas of overlap.
I hope that makes sense. And I would like to say THANKS in andvance for any help. :slight_smile:

ok well it’d help if you post the tutorial so we can understand what you’re talking about better. and i’m surprised that the tute doesn’t explain what you have to do… maybe it’s not a good one.

anyway, what i interpret your post as is this:

your bottom layer is white (lets say its a circle shape). is this just a shape, or is it already 3d?
then you have a red shadow above part of the white shape (to give definition).
then you have a black layer which is empty?! or is it black? I don’t understand what you mean by 2D or 3D layers, and things being “cut” into the layers.

oh ok i’ve just read it again, and i might know what you want… maybe.

do you want the black to only be visible where the red is also present?
if so, you could load the red layer as a selection (on a PC, hold crtl and left click on the red layer) and then go to the black layer, invert the selection (so you’re selecting all that ISN"T on the red) and delete.

Okay. Here are the layers that I am talking about. one of each individually, and the other with them combined. I hope this helps clear up my description. The image named 3D is the base image. The image HKoutline is to overlie “3D” (unfortunately when I saved this image for the web it filled the blank spaces with white). The combined image is self explaitory. When you look at the combined image, you can see small areas where the white, flower is overlapped by the above layer. Please re-read my first post after looking at these photos.
Thanks again for any help. :slight_smile:

I think I didnot get you completely… but if I got it something near try this…

do one thing apply shadow to your shape (2d) then make fill opacity 0…

I still dont follow you…DId you try using blend modes? Almost sounds like you want it to mask, but then yet it sounds like a blending thing.

ok nope, don’t get it.

for one thing, the areas where the black overlaps are TINY… i mean, there’s maybe 1cm altogether, it’s hardly noticeable.

with the combined image, do you want it to look exactly like that apart from the overlap area? i.e most of the img to be black…? Is the overlap area supposed to be invisible?