Let say A is the main movie and B will be a external swf file that i’m going to load into A movie.
The problems is that, some actionscript(AS) in my B movie is not working anymore after i load it into A movie. I believe that the AS in my B movie is not working anymore because it is refer to A as the _root instead of B movie as _root.
This can be a common problem. So, i wonder what should i change in the B movie AS in order to make it work in A movie.
Say for example:
You have a button in B movie.
You want that button, when pressed, to go somewhere in A movie… then you would use _root. in your ActionScript.
So the script on your button would look like this:[AS]on (release) {
}[/AS]Sorry if I’m not answering your question… I’m kind of having a hard time understanding what it is you’re asking exactly.
Thank you for reply. Your AS is for B movie to control A movie. What i want to do is B movie control B movie. I hope you understand what i’m trying to do.