Help with linked list in c++

How can i do to run a loop in a linked list. I know the stl has already one but i can’t use it, because at school they want us to first be familiar with linked list.

#definition of node of the list
[LEFT]class listNode
    listNode* getNext() ; 
    //return the pointer to the next item
    void changeNext(listNode*) ; 
   //change the pointer pointing to the next node
   string getNode_content();
  //return the value of the attribute nodeContent;
  private : 
    string nodeContent;
    //informations hold by the node
    listNode* nextNode;
    //pointer to the next node[/LEFT]
#definition of  the list
[LEFT]class myList
     void addNode(string n);
     //add a new node to the list;
 private : 
     int nbNodes;
     //hold the number of node in the list
     listNode* headList; 
     //pointer to the first node of the list
     listNode* currentPos ;
    //pointer to the current node i.e the last inserted node in the list[/LEFT]

every thing works, except that i can find a way to run a loop trough the whole list
here is my attempt


#loop on the lsit and show each node content
for(int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++ )
   listNode* tmp =  headList-> getNext() ;
   cout <<tmp->getNode_content() <<endl;

What is not working ?