Hey everyone, i’m a Kirupa virgin so please handle gently!
I have a question and to be honest my Flash Actionscript skills are minimal, but my brain tells me that there must be away to do what i wanna do…please read on!
I have made a small animation in Max 5.1. I have restricted this to 10 frames as Swift 3d swf files are somewhat large.
I have imported my Swift swf into MX.
The big question is, can I set up something like a For/Next loop(basic, yup!) to slow down the rate of the frames in Flash.
i.e. Play frame 1 of Movie ‘x’…add somekind of loop to delay time before moving to frame 2 of Movie ‘x’…
This is my way of a workaround to keep file sizes small.
Maybe someone here knows another way of doing this
Maybe i’m going about this the hard way, which for me wouldn’t be a first!..
Ok I switched computers and I don’t think that code will work sorry about that. I know you can use setInterval to do it, I just don’t know how. Search the forums there are tons of questions like this.
Well unless I learn setInterval in the next 5 minutes (which is possible but unlikely because I am disassembling an optical platform right now), I would say just spread out the frames inside your movie clip. Try asking one of the mods who knows setInterval.