Slowing down

i am new to flash and i was wondering if there is a way to slow down for loops.
Like i can set how many seconds till it goes and loops again. I have tried setInterval but didnt is my code:

on (press) {
enemmyX = this._x;
enemmyY = this._y;
for(starX = _root.star1._x;starX>enemmyX; starX–){

_root.star1._x = _root.star1._x-1;

// Slow down function here

help will be appreciated.

it has to be something with setInterval… so maybe this works:

on (press) {
	setInterval(function() {
		enemmyX = this._x;
		enemmyY = this._y;
		for (starX=_root.star1._x; starX>enemmyX; starX--) {
			_root.star1._x = _root.star1._x-1;
			// Slow down function here
	}, 1000);

maybe it doesn’t because i’m not very formiliar with the setInterval function, but im just trying to help

or maybe this will work:

on (press) {
	function go() {
		enemmyX = this._x;
		enemmyY = this._y;
		for (starX=_root.star1._x; starX>enemmyX; starX--) {
			_root.star1._x = _root.star1._x-1;
  theinterval = setInterval(go, 1000);

umm this wut i have now but it just kinda like freezes then gives me a messege.

on (press) {
enemmyX = this._x;
enemmyY = this._y;

starY = _root.star1._y;
starX = _root.star1._x;

while(starX>enemmyX || starY>enemmyY){
theinterval = setInterval(movestar, 1000);


function movestar(){
		starX = _root.star1._x;
		starY = _root.star1._y;


could you explain what you want to happen when you click the button? because i don’t know why you want to use a interval, because the code will only be executed when the button is clicked… or maybe you can put the .fla online?

ok i have a button inside a movie clip and thats wut this script is inside. and then i have a moveiclip called star. and when i pres this button i want the star to come to this objects coords but slowly and thats why i am using set interval.

so you want movieclip star to slowly move to the button? maybe this tutorial will help you

but thats only for entering the move i need on click.

try this code:

	star.endx = this._x;
	star.endy = this._y;
	star.onEnterFrame = function(){
		speed = 10;
		x = this.endx - this._x;
		this._x += x/speed;
		y = this.endy - this._y;
		this._y += y/speed;

if it doesn’t work: check if the path for star is correct… or put the fla online…

wow thanks alot man. Thank you

you’re welcome! i always like to help somebody :slight_smile: