Help with mario game graphics

does anyone know where can i find super mario graphics (mario walking, enemies, maybe environment tiles) for a flash game’?

i also saw mariofan’s footer in the top places in the footer contest and i was wondering where did he get those or did he drew them in some pixel software

Well… First off… I believe what you are asking for is “technically” illegal… So I really won’t help you out there… Sorry… But I believe mariofan’s footer was made by pixel art (custom)… Don’t quote me on that though.

really? its illegal if they are copied from original art but its ok if you draw them yourself exactly the same?

If your intentions are to literally “copy” it from the game… Then it is… If you intentions are to just draw something up… Then no… It’s quite confusing really.

Not like Nintendo is going to really screw with you if you do… But I just thought I’d throw my general feelings about :wink:

No i dont think its illegal try this site