
you’ve all seen it before, but here it is again! (i may enter a newer one if i find the time…):m:

[swf=“ height=60 width=250”][/swf]


Yeah, you do have a killer footer…
I wonder how you got it…

*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**Yeah, you do have a killer footer…
I wonder how you got it… **

My guess is through a little hard work and a program called Flash :wink:


hmm… flash? what is this program :q: :q: :q: tell me please
I’ve never heard of it before??


im going to do a new footer tommorrow…

*Originally posted by mariofan *
**im going to do a new footer tommorrow… **

i bet that would be super mario 5? :stuck_out_tongue:

i think mario should make an interactive version of his footer… that would kick butt!

yeah mario! that would be soooo cool!

that would be awsome!!!

Love that footer man

that’s a great footer m8, i also have some rare arcade games on my computer, think it was called atari or something, u kno contra, super bikes and all those classics like bomberman,captain america and loads more.But mario was and and still is way cool then any.
Ya interactive footer is a great idea, wud b really hard tho. i think :slight_smile:

im going to do it - an interactive footer for all yall’

ill let you know when its done!


Cool, tht ll b great. === just clouds? where’s the rain storm?:stuck_out_tongue: