Hi all
i have aproblem with the flash menu slider i made, i have the slider working fine but i need to set links up to the buttons
i followed the instructions from http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/menu_with_slider.htm
but i do not know how to or what is the best option to get the buttons linking my web pages
i have 6 buttons
button1 - home
button2 - members
button3 - downloads
button4 - games
button5 - links
button6 - ? (help)
have any of you guys got some ideas
Dunky :chinaman:
Yeah thatys kind of what i need but how do i link the buttons to my pages whats the coding needed
here is how far i have got please dont laugh at the girly version of our first web page 
var urls:Array = ["page1","page2","page3","page4","page5","page6","page7"];
var count:Number = 1;
var easeSpeed:Number = 6;
var val:MovieClip = but1;
while (_root["but"+count]) {
_root["but"+(count)].id=count, _root["but"+(count++)].onPress=function () {
val=_root["but"+this.id], getURL("./"+urls[this.id-1]+".html", target);
ease.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += (val._x-ease._x)/easeSpeed;
You will need to change target, I haven’t test it at all, so let me know if it’s wrong
ok i will try after work to get it going thanks for the reply, i gather by targets you mean “page1” and so on.
Cant get it to work i think im being a bit thick can you explain the page and but in the script