Help with MP3 player not going to next track automatically

I’ve been fiddling around with the above player and find it simple to use and personalise.

The only problem is that I can’t seem to find a way for the next track to play automatically. And I guess to start at the beginning again after the last track.

I’m sure it’s just a play/stop or true/false that I’ve over looked but I need a bit of help anyway.

Here’s the code on the MC that contains the player’s buttons:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

    //trace(_root.s.position / 1000);
    secondsPlayed=int(_root.s.position / 1000);
    minutesPlayed=int((secondsPlayed / 60));
    secondsP=(secondsPlayed % 60);
    if (secondsP < 10) secondsP = "0" + secondsP;
    secondsTotal=int(_root.s.duration / 1000);
    minutes=int((secondsTotal / 60));
    seconds=(secondsTotal % 60);
    if (seconds < 10) seconds = "0" + seconds;
    //trace(minutesPlayed + ":" + secondsP + "/" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
    musicTimer=minutesPlayed + ":" + secondsP + "/" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
    if (_root.s.getBytesLoaded() == _root.s.getBytesTotal()) {
        if (_root.s.position == _root.s.duration && _root.s.position > 60000) { //err fix the bug
            if (_root.pList == _root.pListNum) {
            } else {

Here’s the code on the MC that contains the player’s text field list:

onClipEvent(load) {
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

    if (_root.currentItem != _root.pList) {
        if (_root.pList == _root.pListNum) {_root.pList=0;}
        if (_root.pList < 0) {_root.pList=_root.pListNum -1;}
        //trace("pList is " + _root.pList + " pListNum is " + _root.pListNum);
        _root.currentItem = _root.pList;

Here’s the code in the .AS file:

myList.setStyleProperty("textColor", 0x4d420a);
myList.setStyleProperty("textFont", "Verdana");
myList.setStyleProperty("textSize", 9);
iVars = new LoadVars();
ivars.onLoad = function(success) {
    if (!success) {
        trace("failed to load");
    } else {
        _root.pListNum = iVars.num;
        _root.songTitles = iVars.songTitles;
        _root.songs = iVars.songs;

        arLabel=new Array();
        arData=new Array();
        arLabel = _root.songTitles.split("|");
        arData = _root.songs.split("|");
        _root.songs = new Array();
        for(x=0;x<arData.length;x++) {
            _root.songs[arData[x]] = x;

        //load the box with data/labels
        for(var i=0;i<arLabel.length;i++){
        //tell the list box to hide the scroll bar when the list is shorter than the box.

        //set the change handler for the list box
        //this tells the list box what function to run
        //when an item is selected.
        //if you use the suffix '_lb' in your instance name, you will get the dropdown
        //box of all available methods for the listbox when writing your code.

itemPicked=function() {
    _parent.mp3Player.myConditionText = "loading...";
    //an item has been selected:
    //insert the data value in the box into the text box
    var myVal=myList.getSelectedItem().data;
    dotIndex = myVal.indexOf(".");
    myXml = myVal.subString(0, dotIndex);
    _root.xmlFile = myXml + ".xml";
    _root.pList = myList.getSelectedIndex();
    if (_root.startIndex == 0) {
        //trace("creating new sound obj");
        _root.s = new Sound();
        _root.s.loadSound(myVal, true);
    } else {
        //trace("_root.startIndex is " + _root.startIndex);