MP3 Player - problem

Hello all.
I have built an MP3 player in flash (its only basic) and it plays the track automatically, then skips over to the next track once one has been played. But i want to make it so that when the track is being played, it displays the track name and artist in a text box/field, and it will update when the next track plays. Any ideas?

I have posted my code below:

[AS] // playlist
var tracks = [“1.mp3”, “2.mp3”, “3.mp3”, “4.mp3”, “5.mp3”], i = 0;
// define sound object
track = new Sound();
// load first track
track.loadSound(tracks*, true);
// onSoundComplete loop track

track.onSoundComplete = function (){
// this referes to track
// if it reaches the end of array, skip to first
if(i == (tracks.length-1)){
}else {
trace("Playing "+tracks*);
this.loadSound(tracks*, true);
// stop track
stopBTN.onRelease = function() {
// play track
playBTN.onRelease = function() {
track.loadSound(tracks*, true);
// play next track
nextBTN.onRelease = function() {
i = Math.min(i+1, tracks.length-1);
track.loadSound(tracks*, true);
// play previous track
prevBTN.onRelease = function() {
i = Math.max(0, i-1);
track.loadSound(tracks*, true);