Help with preloading

k i followed the turtorial for preloading that is hosted on this site

and i have used it b4 on movies i have made. The movies that ive used it on b4 were alot smaller, under 500kb.

I used it on this new movie i made which is 2.7mbs and now when i go to the website its on it doesnt load.
pls someone help me

The movie doesn’t load or your preloader doesn’t show?

preloader don show and ive had my page open for a while and the movie still hasnt come up

Maybe this is what’s wrong?[AS][COLOR=Silver]bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;[/COLOR]
this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;
[COLOR=Silver]this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
}[/COLOR][/AS]A lot of people, including myself, didn’t realize that the loadBar had to be 100 pixels in width in order for that script to work. Of course you can always change the script to match the size of your loadBar but could this be the problem?

ok so wat exactly do i do… my movie dimensions are 600 by 340

oo ya my loadbar movie is 100 H and 100 W

If you followed the tutorial properly you should have a loadBar layer. Select the actual load bar (should be a movie clip) and in the properties panel where the W: is, type in 100.

STILL DOes same thing… nothign loads

Hmmm, can you give me a link to your site?

The only thing I can think of is that your Instance Names somewhere are incorrect.

yo its working now

sometimes it does that…



Glad you got it working.

hey…i got a question

you said that the preloader bar must be width=100…so can other people use different shape and size and still functioning?
mine is :

dude the thing doesnt work now all of a sudden…

i dun know wats wrong…

are you asking me?..i have same problem as well
waiting for someone more intelligent than us to help…

lol… we could be waiting a while

i have another set of problem…i like to ask you if you don’t mind…

how can i make a preloader for load movie?

no clue

i can see that Wizard is here…is he had any idea of what we are talking about?