Help with removeChild movieclip

Hi all,
i was stucked on the back and next frame problem.I want to know that whether can removeChild movieClip at the frame which is not the frame that i declare and addChild the movieclip?As example,i addChild a movieClip at frame 2,and then,i move to next frame(frame 3) for doing my next step but i need to remain the movieclip on mystage.Then,similary,to ( frame 4) for the other step.Then,i press back button back to frame 3(no problem).from frame 3 back to frame 2(no problem).When i need to return frame 1 from frame 2,it shows

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

If i just return to frame 1 from frame 2 without passing frame 3 and 4.There is no problem.So,any solution please?i am in emergency!