hello again friends… happy easter!
I am having a rough time dealing with this problem:
I have a set of buttons on the main timeline that gotoandplays movieclips that reside in different frames.
These movieclips are on the stage by using addChild statements.
As I click a button and it takes me to that specific frame, I am having hard time removing these movieclips using conditionals when I click on one of the buttons…
I know it is hard to explain, but it probably is a simple problem a noob like me can’t solve…
I tried to replicate my problem in the attached source file… so it may be easier for someone to understand my specific question.
*Again, I have to use addChild statements for these movieclips on each frame… I know this would be no issue if it were just timeline object based…
Please help! It would be greatly appreciated… :bu: and happy easter!