I’m currently teaching myself how to do simple stuff with actionscript. I’ve gotten the basic concept but I keep having problems and my endless experimentation just isn’t working. For right now, all I’m trying to teach myself is how to move, resize, fade etc. movies. Nothing too complicated, but whenever I try to get it to do something after one action has occurred, it all goes downhill from there.
For example, I have one movie that I want to fade in along with another movie; once they have faded in, I want them to fade back out again, and then I want to resize movie #1. I can get them to fade in, but that’s about it. How can I get it to do each thing consecutively? I’ve tried every combination that my brain can come up up with, but nothing works; all it’ll do is fade them in and anything else I want it to do afterwards just doesn’t work.
I’ve had this problem before — having more than one action try to execute in the proper order — but I never did find a solution to it. The only real thing I can find to do is split the code up frame by frame, so what I want it to first do happens on the first frame, then when it’s done it goes to the second frame and that code executes, then the third etc. I figure there has to be an easier way than that though.
I’d greatly appreciate any pointers on this topic or advice, lines of codes, explanations, examples etc. Anything!!