Hi guys.
Here is the deal. I have been working on an Isometric Engine (like everyone else I suppose) for a while now. I have read up on tutorials and read Jobe Makar’s book and got a good understanding of how it is all put together. The problem is that I am trying to do something a bit more complex.
What I am trying to accomplish is to do isometric depth sorting on object that have x, y & z, z being the elevation of the object above the x-y plane (map floor). Objects whose z value is higher than others should appear above those lower elevation objects but still behind objects whose heights might extend above the elevation plane of the object in question.
Here is a blog posting on the subject for some more background into the problem (pictures & code) - http://jwopitz.wordpress.com/2008/09/03/absolute-isometric-depth-sorting/
I will post the code in a subsequent post so as to leave this clean and simple.
I keep running into many walls with my approach and wondered if anybody else has successfully accomplished this AND might be willing to share their findings. All input is welcome.