Help with Something

Well ive been trying to learn flash a lot lately. im trying to learn simple motion tweening in MX 2004 but it aint working. Can anyone help me make something like this:
Thank you very much

Quicktip: try naming your threads better… you know, something relating to your question.

One way to do that would be to have two pictures, one with the outer glow and one without. You would place the one with glow on top of the other one (in its own layer). Then you would simply fade the one with the glow using a Motion Tween where frame 1 has an alpha of 100% and frame 15 has the alpha set to 0%.

Give me a minute and I’ll see if I can come up with an example for you.

Okay here you go, slapped together in 30 seconds. :hugegrin:

that is really nice im trying to switch our logo now so that it matchesunstead of the tentacle

but howw can you change the alpha

nvmd i got how to do it thank you very much

You’re welcome. :}