Is it possible in flash to make like an object respond to the loudness or beat of a mp3 kinda like what u see in windows media play where if u choose bars
That’s possible, but not with Flash alone. Flash can’t analyze the spectrum of music files. Therefore you must use other programs that can analyze the sound spectrum and export this data to Flash. For example, SwiftMP3 is such an application.
ok thx is it free and where do i download it
I don’t think it’s free. Run a search on Google if you want to learn more about it, perhaps there’s a trial or something.
lol ok i got it to work now and all but after i make my row of objects that synchronizes with the spectrum and can i make them rotate around as a whole line i thought like this
for(i=0; i<18; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip (“lev1”, “la”+i, 40+i );
setProperty(“la”+i, _x, 120);
setProperty(“la”+i, _y, i*width);
make it in to one big movieclip then setproperty of the movieclip but lol i don;t know how to duplicate into the new movieclip kinda thing
What ?
lol don’t worry thx for help i mad my only little text flashplayer