Help with targeting frame labels or is there a better way?


I am trying to target a frame label(in another MC) from a button and check if the other MC is on that frame an if it is play the rest of the movie.

what i am trying to do is say you have 4 buttons:

news about links contact

and 4 movies:

newsmov aboutmov linksmov contactmov

that all play up to a frame label named “reverse” that has a stop action on it. after the reverse label the animation plays until the end

the buttons are located in the movie clips

//plays up to the reverse frame
on (release) {
//i want to check if another area is active and if it is play the outro from the reverse frame label


so what i am trying to do is if you have one area active and if you go to the next it plays its reverse animation to put it away. like if you are on news then you go to about, the about(or any of the other areas)knows that news is active and than plays its reverse animation.

what i have now is not working…it’s no suprise my AS is not too good.

thank you in advance.


I don’t know if _currentframe works with frame labels, so you will have to get the frame# that reverse is on.

//plays up to the reverse frame
on (release) {
//i want to check if another area is active and if it is play the outro from the reverse frame label
if(_root.newsmov._currentframe == frame#ofReverse){



See this thread… I have answered similar question, and I think you can use this tedious method for your own project… :beam:

Hmm, your part of too? Cool :slight_smile:

Maybe I should expand my horizons as well. Although I am highly intimidated by other boards :x

Ooooo… Don’t group me to one place please… Let’s put it this way… I am part of Flash world… How’s that??? :wink:

Well… To be honest with you, I had not known Kirupa till now… I was getting big help from ActionScript and Were-Here and FlashKit and UltraShock was more likely the place where I go to read and search… and I found a link to Kirupa from one of those people who was yapping about the tutorial in Kirupa… I was like… What the !@#$ is he talking about??? What the %^&* is Kirupa??? Why is that guy not getting help from Kirupa and come to ActionScript??? So, I went to Kirupa and found out that there are vast information stored in it and I’ve learned alot from here too… Well… Gotta give something back when I get something, right??? That’s why I am here… The only thing I don’t like about Kirupa is that Kirupa doesn’t support [ as ] tag… Oh, well… I’ll survive… :cowboy:

Why do you get intimidated when you go other forums??? The only place I am uncomfortable is FlashKit because of its size and unorganized structures, I don’t know howelse I can put it better… Other than that, I’m fine… Did somebody try to kick your @$$ or something??? :beam:

Oh, I like being associated with this forum. I don’t mind being called the guy from kirupaforum :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa doesn’t support that AS tag, but he does have [<I></I>CODE][/<I></I>CODE] and [<I></I>PHP][/<I></I>PHP] that both show code very nicely (I like php tags better).

I am intimidated by other forums because of people that are sooo good there, so I can’t help out because someone will always be there to show me up in my methods. I don’t wanna look like the idiot who helps with insufficient methods.

I would rather just stick here and help out.

Alright… I have an incredibly bad headache, I have to get to bed… :hangover:



lost in beta. it works great.

thank you CyanBlue for the link.

I like kirupa :slight_smile:

Yup… I am aware of [ code ] and [ php ] tag, but I still love [ as ] tag because of the color with the proper commands… Well… I’ll use [ php ] for that from now on… :wink:

Yes… I know that reason… Well… I don’t really care whether I become an idiot or a jester as long as I learn something… One of the reason why I answer other posts is to learn from their mistakes… and it won’t hurt me too much if that mistake is my own…

Hm… I guess you finally found out the way to go to sleep early… Headache… How come I didn’t think about it… :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope you get better when you get up tomorrow morning… Take a cold shower if that doesn’t help… Usually that helps me… :cowboy:

lunablue: No problem.

CyanBlue: (just realizing there are two blues here) Hmmm, can you show me which board uses these AS tags? It sounds interesting. I have never seen them because the only forum I post at is this, and I browse the bit-101 forum occasionally. And yes, headaches make me go to bed early…lol. I feel much better now :slight_smile:

Hm… When I try this myself, I don’t see much differences after all… See this thread and try to see the difference… The way I see it, [ AS ] tag looks closer to the one you see on the ActionScript Editor and I really hate the additional lines at the beginning and end of the code in [ PHP ] tag… Rather than that, not much after all…

Let me know when you are done seeing that thread so that I can delete that… =)

Hey, that AS tag is really cool. I wonder how they did that!

I would definitely use that other than PHP and CODE.

As for your footer message: I should add that PM and E-mail thing to mine too. My inboxes for both are full everyday :-\

Yes… Like I was saying, if it is not too much of trouble, it will be better if we can implement [ AS ] tag so that the code can be more distinguishable between ActionScript and PHP code… Maybe you can ask/force Kirupa to implement it since you are super moderator… :wink:

PM and Email… Well… It all depends on how you think about it, but I am totally against it since it won’t do any good to the forum… That sure will help that person to figure out how to fix their errors, but it will do no good to other people who has the same problem since that won’t leave any trace… :-\

Yeah, occasionally I tell them to post it on the forum.

I will definitely bring it up to kirupa.

Thanks… I’m just hoping Kirupa is in a good mood to say YES… :cowboy:

Well first he has to find out if he can and how. Then if he thinks it is a good idea. I just brought it up to him in the council of kirupa. Now I have to wait for him to come around and reply :slight_smile: