Help with Timer


I need some help! I’m trying to show a question from a list of 10 question at random that also has a timer set for 2 secs. After the 2 secs are up, another question is selected from an array. Below is my code. Is there sometime I’m missing or forgot to add? I keep getting the error 1120: Access of undefined property changword. >_< Help is greatly appreciated!

//Randominzes Array
var randomizedwords: Array = new Array;
var num:int = new int;
var i:int = new int;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
while (words[num]== "")
num = Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);
words[num] = "";

//Array of Questions
var words:Array = ["", "question 1", "question 2", "question 3", "question 4", "question 5", "question 6", "question 7", "question 8","question 9", "question 10"]

var trialTimer:Timer= new Timer(trialTimerDelay, trialTimerRepeatCount);
var trialTimerDelay:uint = 2000;
var trialTimerRepeatCount:uint = 10;
trialTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, changewords);

//show word
wordtxt.text  = words[randomizedwords];