Help with tutorial "Adding Thumbnails"

Hi everyone. I just finished up the tute for adding thumbnails to my XML driven photo gallery. I wanted to make a few adjustments to how it’s laid out and after doing so it still works, but is a bit buggy. Here’s a list of what problems I’m running into and would appreciate some help fixing.

[]I made the thumbnails scroll vertically instead of horizontally.
]When the thumbs load they aren’t loaded at the 0 point of thumbnail_mc.
[]When you scroll down to the bottom the bottom half of the last picture is cut off.
]When you scroll back up the first picture is in the correct placement (where it should have been when the movie first loaded)
[*]The scroll buttons don’t work precisely. Sometimes it scrolls when you mouse over the buttong, sometimes it scrolls when you mouse over the surrounding area. Sometimes it doesn’t scroll and you have to kind of “rub” over it to get it to work.

Other than my own selfmade mistakes this was a fabulous tutorial. Any help with fixing my issues would be awesome. I’ve attached my .fla for anyone who’s interested in helping. Thanks everyone.