Help! XML is kicking my arse

I am unsure of why I am unable to populate an array with the proper information. For a minute, this was working, but all of a sudden, it did not. I did a load and it did not work after I switched it over to an .as file and called it.

Please assist.


xmlData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)

    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    var xmlRoot:XMLNode  = xmlData.firstChild;
    arrTemp = xmlRoot.childNodes;

" + xmlData + "

" +xmlRoot.childNodes+ "


    trace("Number of Photos here:"+ arrTemp.length + "






&lt;pic num="1" desc="I could fight anybody with this wasted smile alone!" title="Smiley!"&gt;1.jpg&lt;/pic&gt;

&lt;pic num="2" desc="Stylus and Glenn Butt cheesing for Nurina. I&apos;m more tired than you!" title="Alpha/Zero 3 Bros."&gt;2.jpg&lt;/pic&gt;

&lt;pic num="3" desc="Nurina and Glenn Butt :D. It&apos;s down there! Yeah there! I&apos;ll go get it!" title="Beauty and the Butt!"&gt;3.jpg&lt;/pic&gt;

&lt;pic num="4" desc="Jorge, Nurina&apos;s crew, and Pablo in the background, and...he&apos;s trying to fit in! Watch out!" title="Super Stalker Pablo"&gt;4.jpg&lt;/pic&gt;
