
Hello all,

I have a question regarding allocating virtual memory to a specific program. I have Windows XP Professional - and I use heavy graphics in everything I do. I praimarily use Adobe Photoshop 7, FLash MX, and Director MX to edit all of my work. I am currently working on a big project that requires alot of memory because of the Flash MX program…I’m just about 70% through the completion of the project, and I just started getting a message about "allocating memory to Flash by using the ‘Get Info’ command in the ‘Finder.’ " I have no idea where the ‘Finder’ is, or the ‘Get Info’ command. However, I did go into the control panel to my Performance Settings to increase my Paging File in the only Hardrive I have (the C Drive). That was unsuccessful. I really don’t even know if that has to do with my FLash needing memory. What can I do about this problem? :cool:

u know what. this is a really old post that i’m browsing through and you probably don’t care but o well. i dont know the answer but if ur still looking for help go to the random forum.