Helpp pls

yo flash masters
im a bit of a newbee here, so pls bear with me…i got this MC (circle shape to be specific) that i want to move from the left corner to the lower rightcorner, that’d be diagonally, i tried to folow a tut here in the site below… …and i kinda experimented with it…but the thing is…

  1. it goes from lower right to the upper left…which i can’t understand…
  2. i dont understand what the difference is between "

onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 50;


onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targX = 50;

so i just tried mixing them up without knowing what’s happening…
pls helpp…

<this one>

just make a tween

no, ur missing the point, i need it for some effect …and i want it to be in AS…and another reason is, im just starting to learn AS, and so to learn more, i ask…:moustache

onClipEvent (load) {
	_root.targetx = 600;
	_root.targety = 400;
	this._x = 20;
	this._y = 20;
	_root.speed = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	if (this._x<=600) {
		this._x += (_root.targetx/_root.targety)*_root.speed;
		this._y += _root.speed;


ill be trying that, just a little while…thnx

it worked!! but how can i make it a bit faster then gradually reduces its speed until it reaches its destination? just like what i did in my attachement…?
btw, what’s the “setProperty” command for?" thanx man!!1