Hey all

Hey.Im new here, and I FINALLY got over my monumental lazyness and joined.Since this is random, though Id just drop by and say hi.

To all you happy people out there and to the mods, I greet the.

To Kirupa : Man, youre the best.Respect.Endless respect for you.Youve got a great , easy to browse site, and Cool tutorials.This is the site that got me to flashing.You know before, I felt so lonesome `cos I only knew Photoshop and … No animating.(http://www.newgrounds.com is an evil site.Gets people to flashing).Besides, I feel compelled to say that the tutorial are just the right way : very explicit and for total begginners.

Important Sugestio : I saw very little tutorials about line art, and I got to thinking : why can`t we all just get togheter and make a really good tutorial to draw complex shapes.I was looking and still looking for line art tutorials for animation.I want to make my first animation about some stormtroopers talking.Simple, eh ?But I gotta get my experience from mistakes and criticism.

That reminds … if you want to see some GOOD flash (10/10) go to Newgrounds and search for Xombie : Chapter 2,3 and 4.Made by a cool guy and the graphics are something of magical fairy tale.

:puzzle: :D.Cheers.Anyone show me around ?