Hey all

nice forum…i like what i have seen so far…i have a hit snag in my fla…i have one stationary picture in my mc and have many pictures that i wish to put in its place. I wish to have these pictures fade in and out on a loop and dont know how to do this…i have been reading and all the ones i have seen you have to use buttons…anyone have any suggestions ? thanks all for your help


Well, it’s pretty easy. One of the things you can do is to make a great big movieclip. PUt all of your pictures in that movie clip, but make sure to put each picture on its own layer. Then, all you have to do is make each picture a graphic. Use motion tween, and change the alpha of each graphic after a certain frame. For example, on frame 1, you would make your graphic’s alpha 100% and on say frame 15, you would make its alpha 0%. then, click on the frame and choose motion tween. Do this for all the graphics.

hey flashplayer,



Looks good!