Hey Eilsoe... (designer wanted)

Yearh! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have Final fantasy on my brain

So has anyone have any quick samples of ideas?

I’ve added some bg music and a new little enemy - see if you can guess where it’s from


I would like to give it a shoot!
If u need any help i’m in!
go to http://www.tegnebordet.dk/default.asp?vis=thumbs&id=138
to see some of my drawings!

hei Tsavo, dansker? eller hva?

hehe! jep! gu er jeg dansker!!!:slight_smile:

hahaa, kult, en dansker til pÄ kirupa! :stuck_out_tongue:

SĂ„ er jeg ikk helt alene alligevel
! :slight_smile:

det er sgu cool! sÄ mÄ vi udveksle nogle tricks, nÄr jeg engang lÊrer nogen!!, forresten rigtig fedt billede du har fÄet lavet! aner ik hvor jeg skal begynde pÄ den slags grafik, kender du nogle gode tutorials?!:slight_smile:

well, hvis du vil lÊre noget hurtigt fedt stads, sÄ prÞv www.shadowness.com , ellers foreslÄr jeg bare du kigger pÄ altavista, og sÄ sÞger i flere dage
 det virkede for mig! :stuck_out_tongue:

men ellers, hva ka du i flash?

Really? I don’t know. I think about 4 o clock. Hehe.

Flex: Whaaa’? whuddy’u talking about?

Just pretending I know what you guys are talking about.

 u dunno danish

not too hard

yes it sounds kinda similar to english

I’m just pretending i know what you guys are talking about
Jeg lader bare som om jeg ved hvad i fyre snakker om.

Not that similar

Hey people - has anyone any ideas yet?! Anything to show? I want to get this started and I don’t want to end up doing yet another game with sprites ripped from other games.

well, do you have something for us to go at?

We donnu if it should be a killer midget in a spacesuit, or a piece of gum with an axe!!

or both

Dude have you been reading my posts? I don’t want to say it all again. If you read my response to Kitiara then you’ll know what it was. Right know - we can’t just go and say hey here’s the background or the character - if people submit ideas - we can agree yes no or improvement. I’m constantly adding to the game to show what I want the gameplay to be like - so you can get and idea of how things would fit in.

ah, oki

I’ve added shooting noises, damage and a health - bar. I hope you guys are getting ideas of how to fit things in.

Hopefully someone is looking into adding baddies, and how the move, ie fly crawl etc. (like the gargoyle and the dog) - obviously as efficient as poss with the graphics because else it will lag.

