then he all edited his first post admitting it…
then he all edited his first post admitting it…
pr: that would be me…
hey this is that guy that got the 2k in kickups O.o
"ok so i did not make it but i did make the layout nicer (if thats a word) and added a simple music player
Last edited by my portal : Yesterday at 08:50 AM. "
^that was you too? very sneaky.
eloise is sillllllly
aw man, portal took “his” cube site down
elo who?
the name’s e-i-l-s-o-e…! =)
first thing i put:
ok so i did not make it but i did make the layout nicer (if thats a word) and added a simple music player
second thing:
the site is still up
third thing:
please lay off me i am sorry that i did put a first i made but i did change it will you please lay off me i would no keep on going on and on about it!
forth thing:
i did in no way cheat on the kicky ups i am just very good at it pleasessssss! forgive me!
first thing:
Takes a lot of skill I bet.
seond thing:
Hurray ?
third thing:
Sorry comes too late …
forth thing:
Ok, I can go with that.
how depressing, i can understand the belgian in this thread, unlike english portal…
OH!! so your just showcasing YOUR work. Well then since it’s in the showcase and critiques section I will have to give you a 0/10 for the nicer layout and a 0.00000001/10 for that music player
:edit: sorry had to rub it one more time
The AI on that cube is really bad. I turned the top layer 90 degrees and hit demo solve. It took 1min 37secs to solve it. :lol:
Voets , dont wanna cross you in a dark alley Bru . MyPortal sorry youre getting hammered, but plaugarism is only fun until u get caught. The new design is very 1994 though - maybe an update on the design is in order? Take the comments of this thread as a challenge to use some skillz to create something unique, and start a new thread with the results. Redemption is better than an ego placebo.
That sums it up…
i never said you cheated
and i could have swarn that the page was down or something but w/e
it took it 10 seconds to solve it when its already solved, tee hee :huh:
yer i know when i looked at the coding the cube dosen’t just go backward it goesaround and around a few times!
tucker: i never said that you said i cheated i was just gloating!
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