check out my site - its fully finished (at last)
id love to hear your comments!
check out my site - its fully finished (at last)
id love to hear your comments!
Mariofan… your site is pretty good BUT STOP CROSSPOSTING! There is no need for you to post a thread of this in every section. So I am going to delete all the other threads (if I find them all) and keep this one because this topic belongs in here.
And as I said, your site is pretty cool, I think it is actually a unique idea. Good job man.
Nicely done. Kind of miniml inspired but you have some very nice priginal concepts.
I like the printing and building of the site. An excellent idea and the kind of thing that makes you stand out.
Good luck with your job hunting.
thanks guys!
lost in beta - sorry man, but i seem to get no input from anybody! -guess ive seen it too much myself!
fitz - did you really print and build it?
thanks again - mariofan
WOW!!! I really like your 3d work, very nice designs! I am impressed
I think you did a nice job. You pretty much kept with the style you had established. Even the navigation (fliping into pages) fits the visual style. I did not get until reading in yoru post that the site respresented a three dimensional box…perhaps with you could add a an elemnt to the navigation that would communicate that more clearly (somehow integrated with the navigation; a small icon of a cube that would show the current side one is looking at, and when one clicks on a different nav button it would rotate…or perhaps the navigation itself could be a small cube that can be rotated with arrows…but I will leave that up to you).
Other than that, I would say you did a good job.
thanks again everyone!
akurth - ive been thinking about making the cube thing more obvious - but i think if people build the site after printing it would make a nice suprise!
Hey! Go to MarioFan’s works1 cube-side on his site and launch it. Look at those cool metal robots and that cool hand-held game.
ohh yeah, I agree, Mario rocks!
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