Hey guys check this 3d rubic cube i blatantly ripped from someone else!

here are two, one that has no music, two has a simple music player check both out!
please give me feed back!
warrning (second one may take a while!)
(56K user beware!)
ok so i did not make it but i did make the layout nicer (if thats a word) and added a simple music player

Woah! that’s sweet! man that is one original idea! Nice job!

I saw this guy in Olympics doing this 3d rubic thing in 20 seconds on Discovery Channel… crazy…

nice work, I think you should go back and touch up the faces of the cube. I can visually see that the squares have jagged edges which can be cleaned up easily.

coughs**chokes The 3D Rubic Cube you made !?

I don’t think so, you just took this one (http://ericlin2.tripod.com/skew/rubicGame5.html) or got the same one from FlashKit since the original author also posted it there, changed the background, put your title on it and came hauling some credit here.

Not so fast, mister :scream:

looks like ericlins… is that what you linked to voets?

Eehm … h-t-t-p … : -/-/ … e-r-i-c-l-i-n … yep.

lol, I saw http: and stopped reading



ooooooo busted!

unless you created it on flashkit?

I doubt that.


If you only knew how little I read :wink:

Amazing work :slight_smile:

Michael … did you read the other posts ? my portal didn’t make it, he ripped it from someone else. But indeed, it is awesome work (by ericlin) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

that is just weak ‘portal’… weak…

Haha, nice new title :thumb:

thanks :love:

:lol: how entertaining

hey guys check out this new site that I created


Geez, that site sucks.



hehee :stuck_out_tongue: