Hey guys.. Surfy design tips? :D

Hey guys,
I’m new to these forums. I am the bro of the resident nathan99(I dont know if you know him). JUst wondering if you guys have any tips for designing cool looking things like you see on clthes such as quicksilver, billabong etc… Really a fan of this stuff and want to be able to do this myself. What sort of programs, colours etc should i use/get?:cons:

hey welcome nathan99’s bro :P!
Photoshop- that’s all u need!

Yea I recommend photoshop, but illustrator wouldn’t hurt either. As for colors, thats really up to you. www.colourlovers.com is a good resource.

Just ask nathan hes an expert… :thumb:

google “surf design” :wink:

Probably illustrator since it will need to be vector based to fit on different sizes of clothing.

You can search like surfing clothes companies’ sites, like quiksilver

Use a light water blue, a #FF0000, and make it really lose :slight_smile:

#FF0000 is solid red. Make it lose? What are you talking about?

Really all you need to do is study what you like and try to recreate it in your own fashion. There’s no tutorial or anything that’s just going to teach you a style, it’s all about practice. Good luck and definitely post any specific questions you may have on your journey to surfer greatness :slight_smile:

maybe he meant #0000FF
welcome nathan’s bro:)


R = FF0000
G = 00FF00
B = 0000FF

That is how I remember it.

man surf design is always changing, if you just look in any surf shop grab acouple of shirts and compare there design you will soon get an understanding of what the “style” is today, with your findings try and relate it into your own designs and if you dont like the clothing go ask a surfer, he/she will know whats what.


Meh. Grunge.