It’s been a long time. Where’s the old crew?! I heard Phil Jayhan ended up being some kind of crackpot conspiracy theorist! Pity, I rather liked him. Random seems pretty sparse; I’m seeing it today for the first time in 8 years. I guess Flash wasn’t the future, eh?
Two years ago I successfully defended my dissertation on a novel nucleic acid capture mechanism for DNA damage excision, and the article I co-authored was published in Nature in 2010. This was definitely not where I saw my life heading.
I stumbled across the forum (more out of nostalgia than anything else) and was honestly pretty depressed with how much has changed since I left. I’m glad I was a part of it in the heyday though. I learned so much from everybody; I couldn’t have asked for more as a 13 year old tech-junkie.
Take care Kirupa.
Fez (I don’t even know why that’s my username, mfy real name doesn’t sound anything like it)