Hey kirupa...?

I:) Neither does the one with the blue hat. I believe it is because the : and the ) already come together to make the original smiley, so it instead renders that instead of the whole thing.

Maybe use :fez: or C:-) and I:-) ???

I:-) C:-)


way cool :stuck_out_tongue:


Such an honour to have my own smilies on the kirupa forum… :!:

haha! :stuck_out_tongue:

You should see more of the smileys now =) Thanks again for creating these awesome smileys.

Kirupa :goatee:

No problemo! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d be more than happy to make some more, I’m just worried about cluttering the forum with smilies… :-\

yeah please dont!!! :slight_smile: Too many smilies do make the forums cluttered. I am, in fact, planning on removing the “more smileys” link from the left and display all of your icons instead.

Kirupa :cowboy:

wah’? Plus all the originals? That’s gonna be one hella smilie window! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or u could arrange a poll asking which smilis the members want to keep… which ones are used the most etc…

This also makes members feel like they’re contributing something to the forum in other ways than posting.

And then pleeease add my giant smilie, the one with teeth and everything, that’s my favourite!! :stuck_out_tongue:

i think it was #8

ah yes, forgot about that one :slight_smile: Will do!

woo hoo!! New Smilies!!! =)

I Custom icons.

Yeearh! :cowboy:

You’ve inspired me eilsoe. =)

you have awesome icons! =)

Yeah, 0) this little dude is anoying. Can you change the key combo for it or somthing?

Update: Oopps you are going to change it. Sorry, I only read the first page of the thread when I posted.

seriously…eilsoe is smiley machine

inspiring everyone to make smilies…there should be a thread dedicated to new smilies made by eilsoe and everyone else!!:whistle:

mak, why oh why oh why:whistle:

…must you bring these old posts up =)

Kirupa :hair:

*Originally posted by Makaveli *

seriously…eilsoe is smiley machine

inspiring everyone to make smilies…there should be a thread dedicated to new smilies made by eilsoe and everyone else!!:whistle: **

DO THIS!!! or prepare to :skull:

mak, why oh why oh why

…must you bring these old posts up


(-: :sure: :beam: :wink: