Smilies Needed!

Allright everyone… I’ve made the tag board for the background site… And I need some SMILIES for it…

I don’t wanna take Kirupa’s without permission because I know that some f you here have created them… If you ahve any cool smilies you’d like to post on here for me to use in the Kirupa TEam site… PLEASE by all means… Post them…

Thanks ALOT to everyone :slight_smile:


Wlel they’ll have a nice home… No doubt… Lotsa chica smilies running around nakie :o

often times smilies are violent when pushed into a corner…you can’t FORCE them to make sweet smiley love and produce smiley babies…it must be NATURAL!

lol… No for real guys really do need some smilies… As my smilie making ability has led to these types of smilies being made:

Please spare my dignity :frowning:

*Originally posted by playamarz *
**lol… No for real guys really do need some smilies… As my smilie making ability has led to these types of smilies being made:

Please spare my dignity :frowning: **

OH GAWD NO!!! fients

lol, someone SERIOUSLY needs to help him out…

I told you it sucked! COme on :frowning: please help my ragged bad smilie making ***.

You can use these: click

It’s about 30 of my own smilies…

remember to mention me!!! credit, ya know? :wink:

Thank you eilsoe… I appreciate it :slight_smile:

np, use 'em wisely :stuck_out_tongue:

Here, I contribute my smiley to yer site!

:)[FONT=courier new]->[/FONT]
They are like sheep! They are going to take over!

I know, just look at my avatar! :bad:

dammit! They are already giving orders to us!
This must be stopped!

<img src=“C:\Documents and Settings\Saiqa\Desktop\kissy.gif”>

I took the tym out (2 mins) frm my busy schedule to make dis 4u…

thats the second time Ive seen you try to display files from your hard drive sykes

i made those smilies for kirupa:

:stunned: - :skull: - :trout: - :run: - :whistle: - :bounce:

If he agrees, you can use them in any way you want. But don´t abuse them, ok?

*Originally posted by senocular *
**thats the second time Ive seen you try to display files from your hard drive sykes **

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

not fair! weneva i attach an image it doesn’t show up! y god dammit y!

Originally posted by sykes
not fair! weneva i attach an image it doesn’t show up! y god dammit y!

*Originally posted by senocular *
**thats the second time Ive seen you try to display files from your hard drive sykes **
