I know you’re probably busy with a lot of things, buut, when do you think my smilies are gonna come up?
I can’t wait to see them in action…
I know you’re probably busy with a lot of things, buut, when do you think my smilies are gonna come up?
I can’t wait to see them in action…
Sorry eilsoe,
Completely forgot about that. Could you please e-mail me the GIF and I’ll put it up! I try to do most of my work on the weekends…that’s when I usually have more time to spend on the site hehe.
Kirupa :bandit:
u got it… i’ll cut’em up and mail’em to you in a zip, k?
Done and done…
All zipped up and mailed…
contact me when they’re up, will you?
Hello again eilsoe,
Added your smilies. You can view them by pressing the Get More link when the smilies are displayed on the left of your posting page I’ll try to find out how I can display more so your icons are visible.
BTW: How did you get the colors to match perfectly with the ones I have currently placed on the site?
Kirupa :rambo:
:crazy: AAHH!! I just love these!!
This is sooo great! HA! thanks!
How? Don’t get mad… but i rightclicked and saved the original smilie from this site, then copied it like mad, and just went nutty…
Dunno if it violates any copyrights, but i added everything to the forum again!
(-: heeeheee…
I can make more if u have any specific requests…
I’ll try to find out how I can display more so your icons are visible.
whaddya mean about that?
Oh, you know when you post, you have to press the Get More button to view the other smilies. I’ll try to see if there is a way where I can display more smilies on the posting page without having to have the poster press the Get more link
Kirupa :rambo:
aah… now i see.
Isn’t that done easiest by just expanding the tableset?
Make this row here, with the smilies in and the textarea for posting a little taller… and the smilie section little wider…
of course, I have no clue how this is arranged in the first place!
but yeah it’d be great to have some more smilies right beside you when u type… without having to press a link. C:)
and as u can see above, the smilie with the red fez doesn’t work yet…
I also noticed that smilie8 is missing… the one with the REALLY big smile… and teeth…
I wish it were that easy; I have to find the right tag stuck in vbulletin’s list of HTML mini-templates and edit it. Once I find the tag though, there should be no problem
Yeah, I didn’t include all of the smilies. I didn’t include the ones that were already here from the other icon set another user allowed me to use, but I guess I’ll add the non-death ones tomorrow =)
Kirupa :ninja:
oh ok… didn’t know there were more coming!
Hey Kirupa, the one with the single eye that takes up the WHOLE smiley is distrupting a lot of code.
It seems when you post AS that has to do with numbers in parenthesis where the last number ends with a 0, it turns it into a smiley. Let me show you an example…
if (this._alpha<=100) {
this._alpha += fadespeed;
This could be quite a problem.
I had that - I just disabled smilies in the post. But then you can’t have smilies in the post.
That is true. And a good workaround, but to already posted posts (as in ones posted a long time ago and can be found through a search, which no one uses anyway) this causes difficulties. Also, people who don’t realize the mistake will still post the code and not know what happened.
but to already posted posts (as in ones posted a long time ago and can be found through a search
Good point.
Yeah, I only thought of it because I use the search every now and then when I need to figure something out.
sorry about that lost; I’ll remap the key combination that the single-eye smiley appears in.
Kirupa :bandit:
the fez smilie doesn’t work eiter Kir…
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